Small Cap Equities

Small cap equity investment is always a fascinating area to explore.  Often under-researched and avoided by larger investors due to illiquidity and insufficient capacity, the space brings great alpha potential for the savvy, specialist investor.

In this panel, we will be going ‘round the world’ exploring three key geographies to identify the similarities, the differences and the sectors our investors seek great potential investments for the mega-caps of tomorrow

Jackie Wagner of American Century Investments will look at the US, Nick Williams of Barings, Europe and Jonathan Winton of Fidelity, the UK.

We also welcome leading fund selectors, Nick Wood of Quilter Cheviot, Tom Baird of Redington and Alena Kosava of Avellemy to pick up on the key themes and question the managers.

Please note you will need register* in advance to be a valued audience member for this thought provoking session.

By registering for events, you authorise the Virtual Panel and the sponsoring investment managers to provide you with follow up materials in association with this event. Your email details will be shared with the sponsoring asset managers. We will also register you with the website. the Virtual Panel may use your email address to invite you to future events. 

American Century Investments Barings Fidelity
Sponsors American Century Investments Barings Fidelity
With panellists Quilter Cheviot Redington Avellemy