Outlook for Securitised Credit
February 24, 2022 - 12:30 pm2021 was a challenging year for Fixed Income investors, with 2022 showing little signs of calm: Inflation appears increasingly entrenched and Central Banks have acted with rates hiked by the Bank of England and the Fed, and possibly ECB likely to follow. The cost-of-living crisis is becoming mainstream news, markets must digest the uncertainty of coming out of covid, furlough payments have rolled off and job markets are reportedly tight across many sectors.
In this context, securitised instruments with floating structures, re-setting higher with rising rates may offer safe harbour from yield curve volatility. This part of the credit market brings vast diversity of opportunities different levels of risk attributes and target return.
In this Panel we we bring together leading Securitised asset managers, Nick Pont of Schroders and Doug Charleston of TwentyFour Asset Management to survey the landscape in the UK, Europe and the States. We also welcome leading research experts, Chris Arcari of Hymans Robertson, Adam Lane of Mercer and Mark Hedges of Nationwide Pension Fund and Capital Cranfield to give the consultant and client perspective.
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