Fixed Income in an Inflationary World

Inflation!!  After well over a decade of talking about whether it would ever reappear, it is most definitely back and then some!  The fires have been stoked by pandemic stimulus packages, supply chain snarl-ups and more recently an energy crisis in large part brought about by the harrowing conflict in Eastern Europe.

This leaves a big question….  Fixed Income holdings, what can be done?  Rising rates have already led to material draw downs following a multi-decade bond bull market.  So what’s next?  How can we protect portfolios, find value, and optimise risk/ reward.  In this panel, we welcome Fixed Income experts from Capital Group and PGIM Fixed Income to look at the outlook for inflation and evaluate opps and risks in the bond markets.

We also welcome an experienced panel to enrich the debate including Lloyd Thomas of Border to Coast LGPS Pool, Hardeep Khangura, Fixed Income portfolio manager at SEI and Mark Parry, Head of Manager Research at Barnett Waddingham.

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Capital Group PGIM Fixed Income
Sponsors Capital Group PGIM Fixed Income
With panellists Border to Coast LGPS Pool SEI Barnett Waddingham